


Book: Programming with C++20 - Paperback edition available

You can now order Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more from Amazon. Due to your feedback, references carry page numbers and there is a full-color and a [...]

Book: Programming with C++20 - What's your style preference?

Last week I ordered the first test print for Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more. I'm looking forward to holding it in my hands around Friday. This [...]
C++ Insights

A Visual Studio Code extension for C++ Insights

Some of you had asked for this in the past, and now it is there. Thanks to Tobias Fuchs (@meet__tobi), there is now an extension for Visual Studio Code that allows you to see the [...]

C++20 Modules: Reachability and Visibility

C++20's modules are one feature of the big four, supposed to influence how we write C++ code in a huge way. One expectation we discussed in (C++20 Modules: The possible speedup) [...]

Book: Programming with C++20 - Writing finished

A while ago, I announced that I was writing a book about C++20 (Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more). A lot of you have already purchased an early copy [...]

C++20 Modules: Controlling your interfaces

C++20's modules are one feature of the big four, supposed to influence how we write C++ code in a huge way. One expectation we discussed in the last post (C++20 Modules: The [...]

C++20 Modules: The possible speedup

C++20's modules are one feature of the big four, supposed to influence how we write C++ code in a huge way. One expectation I hear nearly all the time is the improvement of [...]

C++20 Dynamic Allocations at Compile-time

You may already have heard and seen that C++20 brings the ability to allocate dynamic memory at compile-time. This leads to std::vector and std::string being fully constexpr in [...]

C++20: A neat trick with consteval

Among the various improvements of C++20 are changes to constexpr, namely a new keyword consteval. In this post, I like to dig into consteval a bit and see what we can do with this [...]

3-tages Schulung: Programmieren mit C++20

Du hast Interesse an C++20, weil Du ... [...]