


Clean Code Workshop @Golem Akademie

In June I'm hosting the next workshop of C++ Clean Code – Best Practices für Programmierer together with my partner golem Akademie. This date is nearly sold out, so we decided to [...]
C++ Insights

C++ Insights now uses Clang 12

Today I finally managed to switch C++ Insights to Clang 12! [...]

iX Article: Clean Code mit C++20, Teil 3

An article I wrote for the German iX magazine "Clean Code mit C++20, Teil 3" is available in issue 2021/5. It is available as a printed edition as well as online. This is part of [...]

Source code for Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more

I like to apologize, but I totally missed publishing the source code for the already published chapters of Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more. [...]

Can I touch a moved-from object

In this blog post, I try to bring you a topic closer that was already discussed and written about multiple times: move semantics. Just to give you two references: [...]

Learn programming with modern C++ in five days

You're a C++ programmer, but you have only little to no modern C++ knowledge? Or you want to gain more solid knowledge about the new features of C++11 to C++17? Then come to my [...]

iX Article: Clean Code mit C++20, Teil 2

An article I wrote for the German iX magazine "Clean Code mit C++20, Teil 2" is available in issue 2021/4. It is available as a printed edition as well as online. This is part of [...]

C++20: Five Features in Five Weeks

You may have noticed that I offer a new class, C++20: Five Features in Five Weeks. Today I like to tell you a bit about the background of this class. [...]

Something you should know about structured bindings

Today's post is partially about C++ Insights and a lesson learned. Last week Dawid Pilarski opened issue #381 for C++ Insights. [...]

iX Article: Clean Code mit C++20, Teil 1

An article I wrote for the German iX magazine "Clean Code mit C++20, Teil 1" is available in issue 2021/3. It is available as a printed edition as well as online. This is part of [...]