


Control your numbers in C++

Today's post is probably easier and shorter than usual. But that doesn't mean the feature is any less powerful. [...]
C++ Insights

C++ Insights Episode 41: How type-traits work

I published a new C++ insights episode: How type-traits work. [...]

A strongly typed bool

Today I like to share a pattern I have used for some time. The pattern is generally well-received whenever I present it during one of my training courses. I still don't know [...]
C++ Insights

C++ Insights Episode 40: The traps of returning references

I published a new C++ insights episode: The traps of returning references. [...]

Visiting a std::variant safely

I assume you all know C++17's type-safe replacement for unions: std::variant. Here you look at a great replacement for unions as it knows the active type and destructs that object [...]
C++ Insights

C++ Insights Episode 39: Recursion-free templates with C++17s fold expressions

I published a new C++ insights episode: Recursion-free templates with C++17s fold expressions. [...]

constexpr functions: optimization vs guarantee

The feature of constant evaluation is nothing new in 2023. You have constexpr available since C++11. Yet, in many of my classes, I see that people still struggle with constexpr [...]
C++ Insights

C++ Insights Episode 38: User-provided vs. user-declared

I published a new C++ insights episode: User-provided vs. user-declared. [...]
C++ Insights

Happy 5th anniversary C++ Insights

This year we celebrate the 5th anniversary of C++ Insights! [...]

Evaluation order in C++ and uniform initialization

In today's post, you learn or get reminded about an interesting benefit of uniform initialization. [...]