


Understanding the inner workings of C++ smart pointers - The unique_ptr

Have you always wondered how the two smart pointers unique_ptr and shared_ptr work internally? Then, this series might give you a better understanding. [...]

Calling a C++ member function with a null object

In today's post, I'll show you what happens if you call a member function on a null object. [...]

Exploring the impact of top-level cv-qualifiers on type-deduction

In today's post, I will continue where I left off with last month's post Understanding the role of cv-qualifiers in function parameters. This time, I will focus on type deduction. [...]

Understanding the role of cv-qualifiers in function parameters

In today's post, I will continue where I left off with last month's post C++ top-level qualifiers explained. This time, I will focus on function parameters. [...]

Level Up Your C++ Skills: Essential Tools and Resources for Effective Practice

Today, I want to share my C++ resources page with you: andreasfertig.com/cpp-resources/. [...]

C++ top-level qualifiers explained

In today's post, I would like to address the question, "What is a top-level cv-qualifier, and why is it important to understand?". [...]

Aggregates: C++17 vs. C++20

Sometimes the small changes between two C++ standards really bite you. Today's post is about when I got bitten by a change to aggregates in C++20. [...]

C++20 Concepts applied - Safe bitmasks using scoped enums

In 2020 I wrote an article for the German magazine iX called Scoped enums in C++. In that article, I shared an approach of using class enums as bitfields without the hassle of [...]

When an empty destructor is required

In last month's post Why you shouldn't provide an empty destructor, I taught you the difference between user-provided and user-declared. I hope you remember the conclusion; never [...]

Why you shouldn't provide an empty destructor

Today's post is a written version of C++ Insights episode 38 I published back in May. I decided to write this post to be able to use what I teach you in next month's post. In case [...]