


Equality of a string class that is only instantiable at compile-time

Today's post continues with last month's post A string class that is only instantiable at compile-time. [...]

A string class that is only instantiable at compile-time

Do you know this, sometimes you have a class that should only be instantiable at compile-time? By that, you can build several assumptions on such a class. For example, that the [...]

Use your programming language

In today's post, you will learn about what that language part of programming language means. [...]

5 Things you and your C++ team can Do Differently

In the past months, I received requests from clients like: [...]

CppCon C++20’s Coroutines for Beginners - Video is available

The video of my first talk from CppCon 2022 is available on Youtube: [...]

C++17's CTAD a sometimes underrated feature

In today's post, I like to look at C++17's Class Template Argument Deduction (CTAD) feature and see how it changes our code. [...]

Use namespaces

Today's post is motivated by some past discussion that came up during standardization. The renaming of two views back to their originally proposed names P2501R0. One was a rename [...]

Code formatting for a programming book

As you might know, I've published a book about C++20 called Programming with C++20. In the course of writing this book, several topics have been raised, which I like to share here [...]

C++23 - std::expected, the superior way of returning a value or an error

In today's post, I like to jump in time and fast forward to what is coming with C++23, a new data type in the STL std::expected (P0323). The idea behind this data type isn't new. [...]

Book: Programming with C++20 - Updated GitHub code examples

It's been nearly one year since I published Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more. Time to check how compilers have improved in terms of C++20 support. [...]