C++ Insights
C++ Insights Episode 42: C++20: When is a struct an aggregate
I published a new C++ insights episode: C++20: When is a struct an aggregate. [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights Episode 41: How type-traits work
I published a new C++ insights episode: How type-traits work. [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights Episode 40: The traps of returning references
I published a new C++ insights episode: The traps of returning references. [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights Episode 39: Recursion-free templates with C++17s fold expressions
I published a new C++ insights episode: Recursion-free templates with C++17s fold expressions. [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights Episode 38: User-provided vs. user-declared
I published a new C++ insights episode: User-provided vs. user-declared. [...]
C++ Insights
Happy 5th anniversary C++ Insights
This year we celebrate the 5th anniversary of C++ Insights! [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights Episode 37: C++20's range-based for-loop with initializer
I published a new C++ insights episode: C++20's range-based for-loop with initializer. [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights Episode 36: Coroutine customization points
I published a new C++ insights episode: Coroutine customization points. [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights: Lambdas in unevaluated contexts
About two weeks ago, I added support for P0315R4: Lambdas in unevaluated contexts, to C++ Insights. [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights lambda hunt
Let's do something special today! Last week I added support for P0315R4: Lambdas in unevaluated contexts. [...]