

CppCon Academy Workshop

I'm thrilled to let you know that I'll give the workshop "Modern C++: When Efficiency Matters" as part of the CppCon Academy in Aurora, CO.

The workshop will take place on Saturday and Sunday, September 21st and 22nd, 2024 (immediately after the conference). It is an onsite workshop, so we can finally meet face-to-face.

You'll learn about various features of modern C++ as you can see in the outline below:

  • How a std::initializer_list works
  • Scope control using if or switch with initialization
  • Safe and efficient constructors
    • Default member initialization
    • Constructor inheritance and its trap
  • How to get good performance
    • Alignment and padding
    • The importance of caching
    • How noexcept helps you
    • static vs. inline
    • The powers of CTAD
  • Under the hood of lambdas
    • Lambda captures and their implications
    • Generic as well as templated (includes C++20)
  • Templates
    • Variadic templates
    • Recursive variadic templates vs. fold-expressions
    • Guidelines for efficient use of templates
  • Devirtualize your virtual functions with final
  • How a local non-trivial static variable works
  • The power of compile-time vs. run-time
    • How and when to apply constexpr
    • How to achieve constant initialization
    • Select only the data you need with constexpr if
  • Move-semantics
    • Move or copy?
    • The difference between std::move vs std::forward
    • Make your move-operations noexcept: noexcept, move, and STL containers
    • Implicit moves
  • Know the costs of the abstraction: shared-/unique-ptr
  • Using the STL efficiently
    • Chose the right container for your data
    • Best to use container methods for performance

I'm excited about the class! I'm updating the material to make it even more compelling. I will include a part about the importance of caching, of course, with live demonstrations. Oh, and there is an interesting change to std::initializer_list.

You can also register for the workshop directly on the conference page:

Register Now

Don't miss out. You'll be on the safe side if you book your seat until end of August.
